Friday, 6 May 2011


1. Make a new file in photoshop around 250x200 in size
2. Then make a black circle on a new layer that's 100x100 pixels
3. Go to select - modify - contract the selection with 3 pixel,
   right click the selection and feather it with 1 pixel and press
   delete 5 times on your keyboard.
4. Put an outer glow effect on the circle
5. Make a round selection and use the linear gradient tool fill it
   white to transparent from edge to edge starting from the top, set
   the layer mode to "soft light"
6. Duplicate the white gradient layer Flip it vertically and move it
   to the bottom of the circle.
7. Choose the "brush tool" and select the soft round brush size 12
   Create a simple line.
8. Make a new layer,select the circle use gaussian blur with radius 10.
9. Duplicate the shadow layer and press "ctrl+t"
    That's it

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